Paint by Paulina Sanchez

Day 254 Year 2184

It has been nineteen years since I was placed in this job. After five years of training in all types of art I was finally assigned to the impressionism art period, and now, I am the 8th Impressionism Replication Specialist, or IRS-8 for short for Area 206. My job involves intricate details, I must replicate art from the impressionist art period, such as Monet’s “Haystacks, (sunset)”, to the post-impressionists, like Seurat, my absolute favourite. I must recreate each stroke, each color and technique, every dot and line must be exactly as the original piece. Of course, the original pieces don’t exist anymore, as they were destroyed during the last World War. Thankfully many great art scholars had scanned each piece and made copious notes with great detail so each developing RS is able to study all art periods, train under the previous RSs and be placed in the proper art period suitable to their hands and temperament. Hands yes, we are all placed here because we have painter’s hands, mine are delicate but strong, capable to creating the smallest of lines with no hesitation and with precision. My nails are hard but thin and I use them to guide the brush when fine detail is needed, which is always the case with Seurat. How could someone, anyone think to create such images using only the smaller of strokes, creating that technique known as pointillism. What made Seurat think of those things? I sometimes wonder if I could create such things, could I come up with some new technique, could I fund a new era of art? Of course, these questions are completely useless since there is no new art being created in this new world, there is nothing new being created. The Organisers have made sure that everything is as was best in the best of eras, made sure that everyone is content with their jobs which were given by Handlers who place each person when they turn sixteen in the job best suited according to their hands. So no need for these thoughts.

Day 257 Year 2184

I’ve been encouraged to write these entries by the psychologist but each day I have more questions than answers to my own thoughts. I keep thinking about these new techniques, I want to create new art but I must be content with what I am creating now, these paintings are hanging in people’s abodes, making them feel content, making their lives more relaxing, giving them peace after work each day. I am making everyone’s lives better, they will all sit in front of their prescribed painting for ten minutes each day and will relax, enabling them to go back to work the next day with their mind ready and clear. I must be happy with my contribution to society.

Day 258 Year 2184

I can’t keep these thoughts away anymore, I’ve stolen some paint, it’s not much but it will work for what I have in mind.

Day 260 Year 2184

They found out about the paint. I am being monitored closely, and my paint is being measured at the beginning and end of each day. I have all these thoughts but no way to project them. I tried drawing but that’s not the medium I want, I want to create something like Seurat did, something with plenty of detail but also with influence by Pollock. Pollock, many think his work is nonsensical. All that splattered paint, for what? They use Pollock for the people with anger issues, people who have destructive tendencies. But I believe I could use both Seurat and Pollock’s techniques to create something new. I don’t know if it will have some application to society, if it will help people. What if it doesn’t? But what if it does?

Day 261 Year 2184

I talked to the Supervisors about my ideas and they have sent me to the psychologists again. They have explained that if I can’t control these thoughts I will be sent back to my Handler for reassignment. That can’t happen, I must create but I can’t go back, my Handler will have me painting houses or doing some other work. I must paint.

Day 262 Year 2184

I’ve done it, I’ve started my masterpiece, I found paint of sorts. I can’t do much about the color but that doesn’t matter for now, I can experiment later.

Day 268 Year 2184

My supervisors tell me I’m looking pale, I must stop experimenting for a while, I am feeling weak. Must sleep.

Day 269 Year 2184

A day’s rest is what I needed, will paint again tonight.

Day 275 Year 2184

I am writing this with the last of my strength, my new technique is perfect, I believe I must have created a new era of art. I hope they remember that it started with me, IRS-8 from Area 206. I’ve signed them all as such. I must close my eyes now.

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